March 29, 2011

Chicken Niçoise

I was craving some sort of seasoned chicken and rice tonight for dinner and this was perfect. I don't usually like bell peppers much, but this was good. :) Light and healthy, leaves your body feeling happy. ;) My kids loved it, even! Serves 4.

Chicken Niçoise (knee-swaz)

1 1/4 c dry white wine or chicken broth
4 boneless skinless chicken thighs or 1 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts*
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 c largely chopped onion
1 Tbsp Italian seasoning
2 medium bell peppers of your choice, sliced
6 Kalamata olives, pitted and chopped**
salt, to taste
2 c cooked rice, heated through

1. In 10-inch skillet, heat 1/4 c of the wine or broth to boiling. Cook chicken in wine or broth about 5 minutes, turning once, until outside of chicken is white.
2. Add garlic, onion, Italian seasoning, bell peppers, olives and remaining 1 c of wine or broth to skillet, alongside chicken. Heat to boiling; boil 10-15 minutes or until center of chicken is no longer pink. Serve alongside rice and season with salt, if desired. (I desire, I'm a salt LOVER!) :D

* If chicken breasts are very thick, cut them in half length-wise before cooking.
** Here's another recipe that calls for Kalamata olives.

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