March 8, 2011

A shout out to Flat Belly Solution

This website, 5 Flat Belly Tips, is awesome. There is a short video that debunks common misconceptions about fat and goes over some good fats and five bad fats we should avoid.

Good Fats
real butter
olive oil
coconut oil
whole meats (hacked straight off the animal)
raw nuts

Bad Fats
hydrogenated oils
canola oil
vegetable oil
substitute butters

Artificial sweeteners and processed food (processed soy products) were mentioned as bad, also. They state that these bad things inhibit your body's ability to process fat. The bad fats are stored away as...well...bad fat. ;) When you eat good fats, however, your body can process them better AND they speed up your metabolism. Good fats are pretty much real, whole foods that come from nature. The stuff our bodies are supposed to eat. And we get those fats when we cook good, wholesome meals at home and stay away from prepackaged meals.
And don't starve yourself.
They mention things I've learned in school (the only thing I really remember from my California public school education) from nutritionists that would lecture in the assembly hall. ;) I've always been interested in nutrition.
Watch this! (You can stop once they start selling their product, unless you want to buy it, of course.)
You will probably be enlightened.

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