October 26, 2012

Mom's White Bread

Growing up my mom would make this bread and it was always a real treat! When she went back to school and started teaching, my dad took over. He would make this often and still does, even though we're all gone. It is dense and moist and oh-so-delicious. My husband ate almost a whole loaf, raving how good it was ("even the crust is good!") and my kids L-O-V-E it! It's wonderful fresh out of the oven with butter and honey, toasted with WHATEVER (butter and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar is a real treat around here), and even sliced thin and made into sandwiches. Makes 3 loaves.

Mom's White Bread

3 c warm water
2 Tbsp yeast
1/2 c sugar
1 Tbsp salt
1/4 c butter (half cube), partially melted
6-8 c flour

1. Add warm water, yeast and sugar to mixing bowl. Cover and let sit 10 minutes, or until bubbly. Add salt and butter and mix. Add 6 c flour, one cup at a time, mixing between each cup. IMPORTANT: Add flour 1/4 c at a time until dough is sticky yet releasing from side of bowl. If you add too much, bread won't be as moist. Knead about 6 minutes. Oil ball of dough, cover bowl, and let sit and rise 1 hour.
2. Grease 3 loaf pans with a good coat of cooking spray or shortening or butter. You could even grease with bacon drippings to give it a unique flavor. Coat grease with flour, if desired.
3. Gently press fist in middle of dough to deflate. Separate into 3 equal balls; roll each ball into a rectangle and place in greased loaf pan. Cover with cloth and let rise until double in size, 30-60 minutes, depending on room temperature.
4. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake loaves for 20-30 minutes, or until top of loaves are golden brown. For softer crust, let loaves cool in pans. For a crustier feel, remove from pans immediately (you might have to scrape insides of pan to loosen loaf) and cool on rack. ENJOY!

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