October 5, 2011

A Shout Out to Myfitnesspal.com

At the beginning of this year, my husband and I had a good look at ourselves. We had become overweight. Just barely, but it still wasn't pretty. I had been living in denial. I avoided the scale (I don't own one, so that was easy), and was sure the mirror and pictures were lying. I wasn't that fat! I scoffed at those who DIETED and did silly things like COUNT CALORIES. HA! I thought I was above such things, when the only thing I was above was my healthy weight limit.
One day it hit me that I was no longer that 20 year-old that could eat anything I wanted and stay skinny. I searched apps on my iPod and found myfitnesspal. It's a FREE calorie counter you can also access online at myfitnesspal.com. To start you enter such things as your current weight, your goal weight, how much you want to weigh, and how much you want to lose each week. Then you enter what you eat each day, keeping track of any exercise, and it keeps track of the calories for you. I started using it and I never went hungry. My extra weight melted off and now I am within my healthy weight limit. It feels GREAT to be held accountable for what I eat, instead of just popping anything I see in my mouth. America is overweight or obese--reaching 70%--and we need to do something about it! Anyone can go to National Lung Heart and Blood Institute to calculate their Body Mass Index (BMI). If it says you're overweight, don't be like me...BELIEVE IT! :)
Crash diets are wild and at times unhealthy. Keeping track of calories in vs. calories out is the healthiest and most effective option!

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